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A01 - Lesson A - START HERE

Lesson A reads a Sales file to create the simplest report: Sales by customer number.

The input file is the Sales file which is sorted into customer number order.
The output file is a report giving total sales for each customer number. This report is not useful for at least these reasons:

  1. The report has “customer number” but not “customer name” or any other details of the customer.
  2. The report gives nothing about the products purchased.

Why bother with this report? For these reasons:

  1. This simple report teaches the first skills you need in our product. This is a great place to start.
  2. This report is modified in later lessons to be much more useful. With enough modifications, this report can be compared to the reports in the demo of this product.

Lesson A consists of these topics:

Next: A02 - Views and phases